India & Nepal 2012


By Mayuko & Maria

Cheryl, Emi, Shinichi & Mayuko at the library. 図書館の前☆
Today we went to the library that James built and it was also the first volunteer work that we did. We will be working there for the next 2 days.

James and Cheryl in front of the library. It was built brick by brick. Sugoi!
The government school right next door. It's been in this stage of half completion for the past 20 years. すぐ隣にある国立小学校。こんな半分完成の状態が20年以上続いているそうです。

My first impression of the place was that the library was very cute and I was very surprised to hear that James had built the place all on his own. The kids at the school were very friendly and talkative, so I was able to practice my English a lot more than I was able to yesterday! 

Adorable kids that requested their photo to be taken :)


Today we helped with improvements for the local school. Meg and Shinichi were in charge of sanding the rust off the metal bars and painting it.

Shinichi with our happy helpers! ^^
Meg trying her hand at painting ^^

Cheryl and I were in charge of sanding the wooden surfaces of the door and windows and painting it.

Cheryl and Mayuko sanding the doors before applying primer.

Emi painted a picture of flowers and butterflies on a white wall. Part of it is already complete, and it looks alot brighter. 

Emi sketching the mural.
In progress
She even got a little team helping
The final product!


We will be doing the same kind of work tomorrow so I hope that we will be able to work even harder and get even more done. Tomorrow Maria will be with us too so we will be expecting good results! 

Today we used many types of public transportation and it was very exciting. We will be posting those pictures tomorrow, so stay tuned :) 


By Meg

ネパールの一番大きい空港。かわいいっしょ?Here’s a photo of the biggest airport in Nepal. :) 

Today we arrived around noon to a cool & cloudy Kathmandu. It’s barely over 21 C.  James came to pick us up, and we will be staying with him during our time here, and participating in the projects he has going. Thank you for the warm welcome, James. 
夕方からは日本で知り合ったAsian Dining LUMBINIの社長さんのレストランへ行きました。彼は今ネパールに来ていて、クレープ屋さんをオープンしている最中です。日本に帰る前にまた遊びに行く予定です☆ 
In the evening, we visited our Nepalese friend who we met in Japan. He is opening a crepe store (like Japan) in Nepal, and he treated us to a delicious “Welcome to Nepal” meal at his restaurant. 


ネパール人の中で、日本語ペラペラな方が結構いました。びっくり。私たちも負けないように、ネパール語を覚えています。Actually, so many people spoke fluent Japanese it was surprising. We are also picking up all the Nepali we can. Woohoo!
If ever for a moment we thought warm water was to be expected, it's not so here! The water here is warmed by the sun(solar), so on cloudy days or in the evening, the water is nice and cold.:D  Some people tried out having cold’s part of the full experience, I suppose. Heh. 

Here's the room that us 5 girls are staying in. 

By Shinichi

 Today we had a transit in Thailand, so we stayed a night in Nepal. Our whole team was “dokiwaku.” (ahem, ask a Japanese person what that means :p) 

We arrived in Bangkok, Thailand at 3:30 pm, after a 5 hour flight. 

友人の方が観光につれていってくれました。Some friends there took us around to experience the sights, sounds and smells of Bangkok! 

出発前にパチリ☆ Excited about having our boarding passes
Maria with the study tour schedule she wrote out small scale to fit her diary. スタディーツアーの予定を細かく、日記用に書き出したまりあ
Emi and Cheryl, excited about the plane ride!

Thoughts by Shinichi 真一的感想

ゆったり流れる日常と、なつかしいにおいで子どもの頃を思い出し、ホッ として嬉しい初日でした。

Personally, I was looking forward to actually standing on Thai soil....wondering what the air there will taste and smell like?! 
 What I felt after spending a day in Thailand: I felt relaxed, like I went back in time to my childhood.
...The line at immigrations moving at a slow, relaxed pace, or the people at the foreign currency exchanged taking a “break”. And the air to me smelt just like what I remember BBQ’s by the riverside when I was a child to smell like. 
The time there just seemed to pass slower, and the scents there reminded me of my childhood years, It was a relaxing first day. 
A form of local transportation in Bangkok. びっくり!
これから by Mayuko

My first time experience overseas is full of so many surprises and interesting things. I hope to learn lots about other countries. Now I want to learn the language and talk with people more. I’m going to do my best so that I can have alot of experiences. 
In a Tuk Tuk
Partway up a local temple...that was closed :P タイの寺院行こうとしたら、残念ながら閉館時間が過ぎていた(汗)
できたてホヤホヤの。。。何か。 Thai specialties.....^^
中国につながっている有名な川の夕日を船から見れたよー。 Sunset view on the river that connects to China ☆

最初のショックーby Cheryl
The first thing that shocked me when the flight arrived the airport there is this tiny yet cute building made by red brick! Later I realize there are so many things in this city which resembled China in some ways :) And the food is so delicious! I’m looking forward to experiencing more which comes along the way!

想像以上 by Emi
ネパールの初印象は思ったよりよかったです。最初、ちょっとわけがわからなくて静かにしていました(笑)でも、ちょっと時間がたったら楽しくなってきました。ネパールとタイは日本に比べて色がとっても鮮やかです。あと、のら犬や動物が結構いることにびっくり!私の一つの目標は毎日3分間会話をすることです(シャイなので)それはできました! もう一つは日記。やらないと。。。またアップしますね☆

Nepal is alot better than I expected. At first, everything was chaotic and confusing. I didn’t understand anything so I stayed quiet. Aha....After a while, my shock slowly disappeared and I was able to enjoy myself :D Compared to Japan, Nepal and Thailand is very colorful. Another thing I was shocked about was the stray animals on the street. One of my goals is to have at least a 3 minute conversation. Already did it! :) Another is to write a journal. I better start writing :p 

Will post more soon. 

by Meg

今回はみんなと一緒に旅できてsuper happy です。初めて海外へ行く人が多いので、一人だったら気づかなかったような違った視点からいろんなことをフレッシュに見て経験することができてとっても楽しんでいます。新しい感動が増えてます。しかし、みんなそろっているかどうか、こんなに何回も確認したのは生まれて初めてかも、笑。


I’m super happy for the privilege of taking this tour with these members. Since there are many members who are traveling abroad for the first time, I’m able to experience and notice new things from their totally fresh perspective, things I would never have noticed on my own. It’s been fun!! Though I’ve never done so many head counts in one day in my life, just to make sure no one got lost. 

Thankfully we’re here in Nepal safely now, and will go to the library that James is building tomorrow. 

by Meg Kitano 

We are now busy preparing and packing for this very first trip of ours. 

Here's a photo from the orientation meeting we had during the last week of July. 

With owners of Asian Dining Lumbini, who treated us to a truly Nepali meal. Thank you!